Pet Control Issues
Someone once told me that software can be generally classified three ways: features, bugs and aspects.
My pre searing pet has shown unexpected behavior while death leveling at the rez shrine on two different occaisions. This makes me wonder whether there is some software aspect to pet controls that I am not aware of.
After harvesting the highest level charr at the rez shrine, I noticed my pet attacking (and killing) a lower level charr and the Pet Control showed attack. I don't ever recall setting the pet to attack while at the rez shrine. It was most likely guard, maybe heel.
Next observation, the following death level session, after harvesting the highest level charr (using my pet to attack), my Pet Control showed heel, but pet continued to attack lower level charr (which I failed to notice until the green 0 xp message.)
Player, pet, and Charr are all tightly packed around the rez shrine;
The pet is flagged to Attack Charr A, but pet has drawn aggro from Charr A, B and C. What is the expected pet behavior of pet after Charr A dies and pet is still being attacked by Charr B and C? Does the behavior change if I am dead?
In the future I plan to click many, many more heel commands at the rez shrine.
Has anyone seen similiar behavior and perhaps know a reason for it?